The altcoin market is not dead, but is currently in the final stage of the halving cycle, similar to the time node from September to October last year.

Each round of Bitcoin halving cycle is not a solo dance of a single large currency. This means that a new batch of phenomenal altcoin stars may appear in the future, similar to the past.

However, not all altcoins will experience crazy growth of dozens of times, but some emerging projects will become the focus of the market. Although the overall scale and enthusiasm may not be as high as in 2021, it will still be an active market.

In the last halving cycle, more than 40 hundred-fold coins, more than 60 50-fold coins, and more than 75 30-fold coins have appeared since March 12.

Although this time may not be as spectacular as the last time, there will still be many new star projects that may replace some of the top 30 projects in the current market value. For more bull market layout strategies, see Fang! Free ➕👗 ➕🌍 BNB0098

Overall, the altcoin market still has development potential, and investors should keep an eye on it and choose and invest according to their personal risk preferences.

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