From the market share of Tether, we can see the trend of Bitcoin and altcoins:

The expected short-term report for $BTC is as follows:

👉 We saw a rebound from the USDT.D rejection area, and $BTC rebounded to the 67K area. It is not surprising to see this. We see the divergence again and the divergence we had last time when $BTC $BTC EMA200 recaptured the levels and moved up to 68K

👉 The way our $USDT .D, $OTHERS, $TOTAL3, $BTC levels are behaving it is nice to see real market insight

👉 $OTHERS As mentioned before the 225B$ level will act as support and it does, if the weekly close breaks above that level mark my words the first breakout is usually a false breakout the second is the real breakout —> 🐳

👉 $TOTAL3 is doing its job with our levels but let me make a prediction here, currently T3 is at $628 billion and $700 billion is already programmed for T3 and we will see it sooner than you expect

👉 Again $BTC I am looking for the 66000-66300 area mentioned in the chart for buys, second entries, TP and SL

👉 Read the chart for more understanding

By the way, I need some energy today⚡️Showing love to the Gauls❤️
