Teach you how to find 100x coins, mainly looking at 6 factors:

1 Market value: give priority to projects with a market value of less than 1 billion US dollars, especially between 50 million and 500 million US dollars, to ensure growth and avoid weak growth.

2 Online time: The ideal project should be launched after the Bitcoin project is established, especially the project after May 2021, which is closer to the current bull market and easier to seize opportunities.

3 Monthly line trend: After the project is launched, the monthly line fluctuates downward and has not experienced a boom, showing the resilience in the market adjustment, and it is more likely to explode when the bull market comes.

4 Track leader: Select leading projects in each track, they can lead the development of the industry and have considerable investment prospects.

5 Washing and testing: Projects that have been tested for more than two years, the team strength, technical foundation and market prospects have been verified, and they are more likely to stand out in the bull market.

6 Market value ranking: Projects ranked outside the top 100 in market value have greater room for growth in the bull market, and the increase can reach 20 to 50 times or even higher.

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