Quick guide to receiving BlockLords season rewards

Visit the official website: First, please visit the BlockLords official website directly to prepare to receive your season rewards.

Login with email: Use the email address you used to log in to the Dynasty game before to ensure that the account information is consistent.

Prepare wallet: Make sure your mainnet Ethereum wallet (ETH) is ready, as rewards will be issued on the mainnet.

Connect wallet: On the official website, select the "Connect wallet" function and connect from EVM-compatible wallets such as MetaMask to ensure that your funds are safe and worry-free.

View rewards: After successfully connecting, you will be able to view the details of the season rewards. Assuming that you have received 10 tokens, the current value is about 18U (the specific value fluctuates with the market).

Receiving and trading: Note that the current Gas fee is high, about 7U. It is recommended to wait until the Gas fee drops to a more reasonable level (such as around 1U) before claiming, and consider trading on platforms such as Gate.

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