It is undeniable that the current debt problem in society has become a chronic disease, seriously restricting the development of social economy. Although many policies have been introduced, the results are minimal. In the final analysis, the resolution of debt disputes must be based on debt repayment. The question is why debtors in society cannot earn money to repay their debts? Why is it so difficult for them to turn things around? I think the following points are the key.


Under the current economic situation, both the market environment and the entrepreneurial environment have undergone tremendous changes. Debt transactions were originally a normal market behavior, but a vigorous movement in the early days completely tied the debt relationship into a dead end.

At present, debtors in society are basically labeled as "dishonest" or even "deadbeats". The basis of market economic activities is honest business. So, a "dishonest person" or "deadbeat" loses the basis of market operation. They are like rats crossing the street that everyone shouts and beats. In such an environment, how can a debtor earn money to pay off his debts? Not to mention turning over a new leaf.


Starting a business is the integration of resources, and making money is the effective use of resources. As a debtor, he just owes money. He could have reused the resources around him and started over to make money to pay off his debts. But at present, debtors in society have basically lost all the resources they could use because they have been labeled.

Without funds, connections, qualifications to operate high-speed trains and planes, rights to register a business, or even a bank card to use at will, how can a person make money when all his resources are frozen? Isn't that like a dead fish? He can't even maintain the most basic life, so how can he hope to pay off his debts?


No matter how much debt a person has, it is a matter of personal ability. Only as a person summarizes his experience of failure and continuously improves his ability, he will have the hope of paying off his debts and achieving success in his career. If society cannot tolerate or even allow a person to fail, then few people can succeed.

It's like an animal. When it's injured, you have to give it a chance to breathe and a space to replenish blood and heal its wounds. Only in this way can it have hope of standing up again. But now, the debtors in society are basically trapped in one place. It's said to be a punishment, but in fact it's just a beating to death.


Speaking of conspiracy, this is just my personal opinion. As a veteran entrepreneur, I have always suspected that the policy that started a few years ago and is still continuing now, which blindly punishes those who fail in entrepreneurship and are in debt, is actually a conspiracy, a means of collusion between internal and external forces to subvert and attack our country's economy.

Look at how many debtors there are in society today. Among them, many were once entrepreneurs full of enthusiasm, passion, and the courage to innovate. This group of people paid taxes, increased employment, made the market prosperous, and helped the economy take off. But now? Basically, they have stopped. Why did this situation happen today? It is worth reflecting on.

To sum up, why is it so difficult for debtors in society to turn over a new leaf? I think the above points are the key, and the rest are nonsense. It is not too late to understand the essence of the problem, dare to scrape the bone to heal the wound, and do a good job of mending the fence after the sheep have been lost.

That’s all I want to share with you today. Thank you for reading.