1. Price and Change:

The current price of CVP in terms of USDT is approximately $0.3091.

Over the last 24 hours, CVP has seen a positive change of approximately +27.25%.

2. Highs and Lows:

The highest price reached within the last 24 hours was $0.3429.

The lowest price within the same period was $0.2274.

3. Moving Averages (MA):

The yellow line represents the 60-day Moving Average (MA60), currently around $0.3130.

The white line represents the 10-day Moving Average (MA10), currently around $0.3240.

4. Volume:

The green bars indicate buying volume, while the red bars represent selling volume.

The total 24-hour trading volume for CVP is approximately 6.88 million.

5. Other Indicators:

The chart includes abbreviations like EMA (Exponential Moving Average), VOL (Volume), MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence), KDJ (a stochastic oscillator indicator), RSI (Relative Strength Index), and SAR (Stop and Reverse).

The "AVL" abbreviation is not standard trading terminology and may refer to an app-specific indicator or typo.

Remember that technical analysis involves interpreting various indicators to make informed trading decisions. Traders often consider moving averages, volume, and other factors to predict price movements. Always combine technical analysis with fundamental research for a comprehensive view.

Feel free to ask if you'd like further insights or have specific questions! 🚀📈

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