About SendingNetwork

We know that the problems of the Internet in the Web2 era are increasingly criticized, including high server and bandwidth costs, network congestion and system failure risks, data privacy and security issues, etc. For example, the growth of streaming content in recent years has increased the demand for bandwidth. If users do not want to endure a poor user experience during peak traffic hours, they must pay high bandwidth fees, and the same is true for developers. The root of these problems is that the Web2 Internet is too centralized. The current Web2 Internet is the largest centralized IT infrastructure. It is based on the centralized TCP/IP protocol designed and continuously patched in the early days of the Internet. Key resources such as IP and DNS are controlled by a few organizations, and typical applications such as social IM, short videos, live broadcast platforms, and e-commerce shopping all rely on centralized data centers.

SendingNetwork focuses on the communication field, one of the three cornerstones of IT, and is committed to rebuilding the decentralized programmable TCP/IP protocol. Its goal is to build a low-cost, high-efficiency, secure and private next-generation decentralized Internet that conforms to the spirit of Web3, realize the integration of communication, payment and transaction, and create a super ecological network that includes decentralized message communication and RTC and other application protocols. By building a decentralized communication network, SendingNetwork uses blockchain technology to rebuild the TCP/IP model, uses decentralized routers to connect wallet addresses, realizes point-to-point communication, reshapes the Internet infrastructure, and improves security, privacy and user control.

The core team of SendingNetwork started in 2006, working at Microsoft on the development of Windows operating systems and Internet Explorer on mobile devices. In 2010, they founded Dolphin Browser, which quickly became one of the world's top mobile browsers with more than 200 million users. However, when Dolphin Browser reached its peak, it was removed from the Google Play store, and the team deeply realized the fragility of centralized platforms. This incident prompted the team to turn to Web3 principles, and ultimately decided to sell Dolphin Browser and build SendingNetwork.

Sending Labs has currently completed two rounds of seed financing totaling US$20 million, and has received support from well-known investors including Balaji (former CTO of Coinbase), Erick (former head of Binance Research Institute), Gabby (YGG), as well as SWC Global, Symbolic Capital, Galxe, Insignia Ventures and Mindworks Capital.

The technical principle of SendingNetwork

Because there are many projects in different tracks in the DePIN field, a simple comparison is made here to facilitate readers to distinguish them.

The main difference between SendingNetwork and other DePIN projects lies in its technology and application areas. Specifically, SendingNetwork focuses on decentralized communications and provides secure and private messaging services through a three-layer network architecture, which is suitable for DeFi, DAO, and instant messaging. Helium mainly solves the connection problem of IoT devices, Filecoin provides decentralized storage solutions, while io.net and Render focus on decentralized computing and rendering services respectively. These projects have their own characteristics in their respective technical architectures, application scenarios, and security mechanisms, but they are all committed to improving efficiency and security in different fields through decentralized technologies. In the future DePIN industry, these projects will be more of a state of ecological co-construction and cooperative development.

Among the many DePIN projects, SendingNetwork fills the gap in the industry with decentralized communication solutions. Its three-layer network architecture (client access layer, relay layer, and consensus layer) ensures the stability and efficiency of the network. Through the Proof of Relay and Proof of Availability mechanisms, SendingNetwork is able to provide secure and private messaging services.

●Client access layer: This layer is the interface for users to interact with the network. Through SDKs and APIs, applications (such as games, wallets, NFT markets, etc.) can easily integrate SendingNetwork’s messaging capabilities.

●Relay layer: It is composed of Edge nodes, which are responsible for forwarding and relaying messages. Edge nodes efficiently pass messages in the network through P2P protocols, ensuring that messages find the recipient or other relay nodes.

●Consensus layer: Maintained by Guardian nodes, responsible for verifying the Proof of Work submitted by Edge nodes and the Proof of Availability provided by WatchDog nodes. This consensus mechanism ensures the reliability of nodes and the stability of the network.

Through this three-layer architecture, SendingNetwork provides a highly secure and private messaging service suitable for a variety of decentralized applications, especially in areas such as DeFi and DAO. The main advantages of such an architecture include:

● Security: Ensure the privacy and security of communications through end-to-end encryption and decentralized networks, avoiding the risks of single points of failure and centralized control.

●Wide range of application scenarios: Suitable for DeFi platforms, DAO organizations and instant messaging services, providing secure messaging and transaction capabilities.

●Powerful integration capabilities: Provides comprehensive SDKs and APIs to facilitate developers to integrate their messaging functions into various decentralized applications (dApps), supporting real-time chat, community interaction and transaction functions.

In addition, SendingNetwork's WatchDog node is designed to run on ordinary PCs, laptops and other devices, ensuring the convenience and low threshold for participation by the majority of users. Users only need to install specific software and hardware to participate in the network and gain benefits by contributing idle bandwidth and computing resources. This low-threshold design greatly increases the number and distribution of network nodes and enhances the degree of decentralization of the network.

SendingNetwork in action

SendingNetwork's decentralized communication network effectively reduces dependence on centralized servers and data centers, thereby reducing bandwidth and server operating costs. Developers and businesses can provide efficient and secure communication services at a lower cost, thereby improving their market competitiveness. End-to-end encryption technology and decentralized architecture ensure the privacy and security of user data. Users can confidently message, trade, and interact without worrying about data leaks or privacy violations.

Applicable application protocols of SendingNetwork include:

●IM protocol: Instant messaging protocols are data-sensitive and frequently used. Web3 Router allows both parties to communicate away from centralized data centers and establish direct edge connections, ensuring that data is stored in local router nodes and protecting user privacy.

●SMTP/POP3 email communication protocol: The account of Web3 email protocol is a wallet address or ENS domain name address. The sender directly sends the email to the receiver through an encrypted connection to prevent the data from being eavesdropped through third-party storage.

●RTC protocol: Streaming media communication protocols have high bandwidth requirements. Web3 Router directly connects video participants through the edge network, greatly reducing the bandwidth pressure of data centers and developer costs.

●Dynamic CDN protocol: As an edge network node, Web3 Router can provide cheap CDN storage and access services, dynamically cache high-frequency access resources through network layer scheduling algorithms, and accelerate network communication transmission.

●HTTP Web Protocol: Web3 Router allows personal public information to be stored in the local router, and others can obtain it through the http protocol, covering applications such as personal homepages, blogs, and feed streams.

●VPN Protocol: Web3 Router’s edge IP resources provide users with communication needs that hide their identities, access network resources through real home IP addresses, and meet access needs for geographically restricted resources.

●Online game protocols: P2P or edge computing-based game protocols have high requirements for bandwidth and network timeliness. Web3 Router reduces dependence on centralized servers and directly establishes connections between players, ensuring low latency and high bandwidth, improving the gaming experience and protecting player privacy.

Currently, SendingNetwork's technology has been applied to many fields such as decentralized finance (DeFi), decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO), social networks and instant messaging:

●SendingMe: It is a decentralized instant messaging platform. By integrating the technology of SendingNetwork, users can conduct secure messaging, social interaction and digital asset transactions on the platform. Through end-to-end encryption technology, SendingMe ensures the privacy and security of user messages, while supporting peer-to-peer transactions based on wallet addresses, allowing users to easily complete transfers and transactions within the application. This decentralized design not only improves the user experience, but also enhances the security and privacy of the platform. SendingMe is currently in the invitation beta stage and is regarded as a decentralized Discord. User accounts can be associated with wallet addresses to facilitate transfers and transactions within the application. It is still in the testing stage. Users can go to the official website to participate in the test according to the instructions.

●Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Platforms: SendingNetwork’s technology is used on some DeFi platforms (such as NFTGo) to ensure secure communication for transactions and negotiations. For example, when users are making loans, borrowing, and trading, they can communicate securely point-to-point through a decentralized communication network, avoiding the risk of data leakage that may be caused by traditional centralized servers. This highly secure communication method makes DeFi platforms more attractive and increases user trust and participation.

●Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO): Some DAOs (such as SeeDAO) have adopted SendingNetwork's technology for internal communication and decision-making. Members of these organizations can vote, discuss and make decisions through a secure decentralized network, ensuring transparency and privacy within the organization. For example, a DAO organization conducts member voting through SendingNetwork, and each member's voting data is encrypted to ensure the fairness and privacy of the voting process.

The future of SendingNetwork

Let’s take a quick look at the SendingNetwork development roadmap to confirm the near-term development plan:

1. In the first quarter of 2024, SendingNetwork released a technical white paper, which introduced its technical architecture and implemented dynamic group chat encryption based on the Double Ratchet algorithm. At the same time, it introduced a relay proof mechanism and a points-based mining mechanism.

2. In the second quarter of 2024, the project will enter the testnet Alpha-1 and Alpha-2 stages, begin testing and optimizing the relay proof mechanism, support decentralized live broadcast and video conferencing functions, and optimize database performance.

3. In the third quarter of 2024, the project will verify the availability proof mechanism and deploy the token on a third-party blockchain to test its compatibility and functionality and introduce a miner staking mechanism.

4. In the fourth quarter of 2024, the availability proof mechanism will be further optimized, and the blockchain test network will be launched for comprehensive functional and security testing.

5. Finally, in the first quarter of 2025, SendingNetwork will complete the token migration and officially launch the blockchain mainnet, providing comprehensive decentralized communication services.


In the next few years, with the further development of blockchain technology, decentralized communication technology will continue to innovate. For example, blockchain-based distributed ledger technology will further enhance the security and reliability of communication networks, and the standardization and interoperability of decentralized communication protocols will also be improved, promoting seamless connection and collaboration between different decentralized platforms.

This article introduces and analyzes SendingNetwork, aiming to provide readers with a comprehensive perspective to understand its technical advantages, market applications and future prospects. By building a decentralized messaging network, SendingNetwork not only improves the security and privacy of user data, but also provides a flexible communication solution for Web3 projects.

This article is provided by a third party and does not represent the views of Wu Shuo.