According to TechFlow, the Arbitrum Chinese community will hold an EDU Chain hackathon-themed AMA event on Arbitrum’s official Chinese Twitter account at 21:00 on July 25. Arbitrum, HackQuest, and Open Campus will be the co-hosts of the event. HackQuest co-founder Harry will be a guest speaker and share topics such as the concept and future of EDU Chain, the specific details of the EDU Chain hackathon, and what official assistance the hackathon winners will receive.

It is reported that EDU Chain is an L3 based on Arbitrum Orbit, aiming to build the first blockchain with education as its core. Earlier this month, Open Campus and HackQuest jointly launched the EDU Chain hackathon event. The main tracks include DeFi and Infrastructure, and the secondary tracks include Learn, Earn, Misc, and EduFi. 32 teams will share a total of $200,000 in prize pools, and the winning team will also be selected for the Open Campus incubator (OCX).