#美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 #比特币大会 #拜登退选

After the Ethereum ETF was approved, this wave of favorable market conditions has been digested. The current trend is not very ideal. Many irons were cleaned up by ETH this morning.

It has become difficult to operate under this market, but it is not that there is no opportunity to make money. If there is no direction and it is operated randomly, it is really difficult to make money. The BTC given by VIP has been accurately received. The ethfi that was publicly hit is also in floating profit.

After making money, you must learn to exit in time. Now the market has not fully adjusted in place. It will take a few days of consolidation to digest the benefits of this wave of ETFs. The current trend of ETH is much weaker than BTC. It depends on whether the position of 3150 can be maintained. If not, it may go to around 3050, which is a market with a painted door. $ETH