Why do the post-2000s seem to have seen through everything?

Our media is praising the post-00 generation on a large scale and in a planned manner.

Whether it is "Post-00s rectifying the workplace" or "Post-00s fighting against PUA", they are all means of flattery.

The reason why those born after 2000 seem less gullible is not because they have become smarter and more insightful.

And it is purely because they are facing a relatively stable and relatively stagnant society.

Therefore, they can rely on their limited real-life experience of just over twenty years to guide their life decisions and avoid falling into traps.

including but not limited to:

1. Knowing that it is impossible for me to afford the housing prices in first-tier cities, I no longer regard buying a house as the meaning of life.

2. Knowing that the era when one could share dividends simply by working is over, people gradually begin to feel proud of lying down and ashamed of struggling.

3. People know that marriage brings limited benefits but huge risks to themselves, so the marriage rate will continue to decline starting from this generation.

These ideas are all correct, but essentially it is not because the post-00s have become mature, but because the train of time has slowed down.

Therefore, the concepts they formed when they were young are generally applicable when they are young, middle-aged, and even old.

A typical person born in the 1980s will never have a fixed view of the world like those born in the 2000s.

Instead, it will go through countless processes of belief - doubt - collapse - reshaping as society develops and the environment changes.

When he was born, the national urbanization rate did not exceed 30%. His simple understanding of the world was no different from that of the old men and women in the village. He believed in the philosophy that "only those who endure hardships can become successful people" and "the iron rice bowl can't be broken, and the son will take over and pass it down from generation to generation."

When he was studying, the system was in turmoil and the private economy was in turmoil. The iron rice bowl was smashed to pieces, and people in the system went into business to make money. The hooligans in the village also changed their identities, and became Mr. Zhang and Mr. Wang with a briefcase. This made him begin to doubt his previous beliefs.

When he started working, the primitive accumulation stage of capital had passed and a reshuffle began. The original batch of private entrepreneurs were either in jail, bankrupt, or fled. On the contrary, those who worked hard in the system at that time became directors, county governors, and dean of the school. So he began to educate his son again, you see, unconventional ways will not go far, and he really has to study and work hard.

When they reach middle age, their careers become stable and they have achieved some success, they look back at the first half of their lives and those of the people around them, and find that those who have a good life and a leisurely life are basically those who have benefited from real estate and demolition. Even in the same unit, there is a world of difference between those who have been allocated several houses and those who have not been allocated any. In the same position, if your hometown is demolished and if it is not, your life is completely different.

After seeing many examples like this, you will learn to accept your fate.

The first half of life for those born in the 80s was a process of being repeatedly slapped in the face.

There must be many stages in his life where he is confused, lost and at a loss.

Yesterday’s experience is no longer applicable today, and today’s way of living may lead to death tomorrow.

So in the eyes of others, these people born in the 80s are all confused and do not have a clear understanding of the world as those born in the 00s.

But this is just an outsider's misunderstanding.

Those born in the 1970s and 1980s, in their short first half of life, experienced the dramatic changes of three social types: agricultural society, industrial society, and information society.

For those born after 2000, the background color of the world has been the same since they can remember, and it will remain the same when they grow up and graduate.

High housing prices, high labor intensity, atomization, singleness, wage stagnation, low fertility rate... these social problems will not change much in the foreseeable twenty years.

This also means that those born after 2000 do not have to go through the repeated reshaping of their world views like their parents did. The concepts formed when they are young will most likely accompany them throughout their lives.

Therefore, the other side of the seemingly sober post-00s is also a kind of sadness.

Because chaos means change, and change also means opportunity.

When people are in an environment of drastic changes, they will not be clear-headed. They will only feel confused and lost, and feel that they can no longer understand the world.

Among those born after 2000, there are many people who think they are clear-headed and have fun.

Behind the pretense of being calm and indifferent is the complete conservatism and narrow-mindedness of thought, and the loss of sensitivity and desire to explore real life.

This is not called seeing through, it's just a helpless method of spiritual victory.

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