Position and fund management sounds simple, but it is difficult to do well

1. Don't always add leverage to your full position. Do you add 10 times leverage to your full position for every transaction? You have to consider whether the market is stable. If it is stable, add some leverage. If it is not stable, play less. Don't bet your entire fortune every time like gambling.

2. In a bull market, you can play with a lot of money or a little money, and there are many opportunities. But when a bear market comes, you still borrow money to play? That's really a hot head. You can't make small money, but you can make a stable profit by borrowing big money? You think too much!

3. The market is difficult now, and it is difficult to make big money, but there are still opportunities for small funds. With a large amount of funds, you must control your hands, don't be greedy, and control risks tightly. Remember, even the most stable things may suddenly change their faces. Just look at the examples of those big crashes.

My lesson, last year, I wanted to invest no more than 20% each time, but I came across a "magic project" and made a lot of money in three days. I got carried away and ended up falling. Now I have learned my lesson. I will keep the profit of each project within 10% and be more stable.

Investment is a long-term battle. Only by patiently adding strategic positions can you have the last laugh. I hope everyone can make money steadily!

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