The most difficult part of cryptocurrency trading is not choosing the currency, nor is it the buying and selling operations, but the heart that can wait.

The biggest challenge in life is not to try your best, nor to keep running, but to choose the right path and make the right decision.

The bear market can smooth your impatience, while the bull market will test your determination. The road of cryptocurrency trading is an accelerator of growth, but it is inevitable to stumble on the road of growth. This pain is not given by growth itself, but the process of adapting to changes and experiencing wind and rain.

Self-disciplined people can also find fun in the storms of the cryptocurrency circle. If there is light in your heart, even the darkest place can be illuminated.

The common mistake made by retail investors is to throw away potential stocks to chase the rise, just like chasing a bus, always thinking about getting on the one that is going fast. The same is true in life, always staring at what you don’t get, forgetting what treasures you have in your hands.

Most of the money lost in cryptocurrency trading is not because of simple ideas, but because of too big hearts and too many desires. Happiness is not about owning the whole world, but knowing how to cherish what is in front of you.

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