#美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 #比特币大会 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? $ETH $BNB $SOL

Is education important? It depends on the occasion.

In empty social occasions, idle chat occasions, if your family has no connections and you want to be a street manager who can make a stable income, education is very important, usually 985. This is your face.

In real occasions, no one cares that Mr. Ma is from a second-tier university. In the sales department, postgraduates do not have discounts. In 4s stores, PhD guys usually look at joint venture brands worth 200,000 yuan. When you travel around the world, no one cares about your education.

When you have nothing to do, education is your face.

When you have something to do, education is useless.

Some people say that education is useful for blind dates. Haha, you are so naive. Did Huang Yimin fall in love with Cong Cong's undergraduate degree and then go to bed?

Some people say that academic qualifications are very important for civil servants. But do you know how much a civil servant makes per month? It's about the same as a food delivery worker. First-tier cities add 20%.

Some people say, if it's not important, why do so many people want it?

A diploma is like a pair of long shorts in summer. Although it's useless, we still have to pretend to fit in, right?