**Starknet 1.8 Billion Free Airdrop Frenzy!**

Get ready for a crypto revolution as Starknet Foundation announces a massive 1.8B STRK token airdrop! With 900M tokens dedicated to rewarding contributors and 900M for empowering users through transaction fee rebates, Starknet is making waves in the blockchain space.

Join the Provisions Committee to shape the future of Starknet! Your contributions matter, and rewards are on the horizon. Stay tuned for formal updates as the distribution phase unfolds.

💸 Transaction fee rebates are incoming! Another 900M tokens were earmarked to put the power back in users' hands. Be part of the planning phase as a dedicated committee oversees this game-changing initiative.

Dive into DeFi with 50M tokens! The DeFi Committee gears up to stimulate activity and enhance liquidity within Starknet's decentralized finance ecosystem. Exciting times are ahead in Q1 next year!

Starknet, the Ethereum-based Layer 2 network, is rewriting the rules of scalability. Don't miss kout on this opportunity to be part of the future. #StarkNet #AirdropAlert #BTC 🚀💰