📊|You must understand, what stage of the bull market are we in now?

🗒️July is more than halfway through. After the rise in the first quarter of this year, the top four hundred tokens fell 45% in the second quarter.

🔻The main reason for the decline in the second quarter occurred in early April. As the economy remained strong and inflation was high, the market began to re-price the scenario of long-term interest rate increases, which was in sharp contrast to the previous view that interest rates would be quickly lowered.

In July, the German government began to sell about $3 billion worth of Bitcoin, and the compensation schedule for Mt. Gox, worth about $9 billion, was determined, causing panic in the market again📉. Many people began to doubt the authenticity of the bull market. Let's analyze what stage the bull market is in now👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

🔹First, let's review the historical bull market cycle. The first stage is the early stage of the rebound, and Bitcoin often performs better than other markets. The second stage is the later stage, when altcoins often outperform other markets, which is what we commonly call the "altcoin season". However, only BTC and ETH have seen a leading rise, and many altcoins are still in the bear market. We are very likely to believe that the second stage has not yet arrived, and the market development is also moving towards the second stage. 🔻 In addition, Trump turned to support cryptocurrencies in early May, and then introduced legislative progress such as FIT21 and the approval of Ethereum ETFs. Just yesterday, July 24, ETH spot ETFs were officially traded, and a large amount of funds poured into ETH. In addition, the public support of cryptocurrencies by many well-known politicians in the United States is very beneficial to our industry. ♦️In summary, I believe that in the near future, with the arrival of the altcoin season, you will thank the altcoins you have laid out today. #美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易