There is a metaphor throughout the story of Journey to the West, which is that morality is just a tool, and its role is to restrain the weak and serve the strong.

For example, before Wukong learned his skills, he was a polite monkey, and he was very polite to everyone. On the way to learn his skills, he saw a woodcutter chopping wood, took the initiative to salute him, and respectfully called him the old immortal. When he saw Bodhi Patriarch, he bowed to the ground without saying a word, and kept bowing.

The Patriarch asked him what his surname was, and he replied that he had no surname. If people scolded him, he would not be angry. If they hit him, he would not be angry, but just apologized.

But such a gentle monkey, after learning a lot of skills and transforming into a strong man, completely changed his appearance.

The first thing Wukong did after returning from his training was to chop the Demon King into two pieces without saying anything, and then he exterminated all his nine clans. Since then, Wukong no longer calls old people old immortals, but old men. When he sees a real immortal, he will first weigh the level. If the person is weaker than him, he will call him old official. If the person is stronger than him, he will bow and call him disciple.

In fact, it is not only Wukong, but also Tang Seng who is like this. He is hypocritical to the outside world and really vicious to the inside, because he only knows one trick. The trick of the tight hoop is ineffective against monsters and can only be used to bully one's own people. Isn't it the same in reality?

Give a smile to outsiders and leave bad words to relatives. Outside, you are a weak person who is humble, but when you return home, you are a big boss who shouts and yells. Let's look at the Jade Emperor again. Because the county magistrate of Fengxian County accidentally pushed down the altar, he ordered that it would not rain for three whole years, and half of the people in the county starved to death.

The Jade Emperor can forgive a monkey who made trouble in the Heavenly Palace because he is a strong man, but he cannot forgive tens of thousands of innocent people because they are weak.

Putting aside the novel and looking at the reality, in reality, the kindness of sheep will be considered weakness, while the kindness of lions will be called virtue. Morality is important, but you have to become a strong person first, then your morality will be more valuable.