Here are five points:

1. Money release is eternal. In today's world, it is impossible not to over-issue currency, because money release is needed to stimulate the economy. The Russian-Ukrainian war, China's economic problems, and the yen's exchange rate deviation, even if the American people want high welfare, Biden's position is estimated to be unstable if he does not over-issue currency. Therefore, over-issuance is the main theme, and money release is eternal.

2. Bitcoin’s Store of Value I’m talking about the essence here. Everyone knows that Bitcoin is a game for the rich. Even in the cryptocurrency world, very few people own Bitcoin. Most people buy fake Bitcoins, hoping to get rich overnight. So those who actually own more than 10 Bitcoins are rare. There is a characteristic here: buying fake Bitcoins is essentially the same as buying stocks, both for the purpose of buying low and selling high, for the purpose of making money.

You may ask me if I buy Bitcoin for making money? Actually, this is only the second factor. Why can so many Bitcoin addresses remain unchanged for so many years? As mentioned before, buying Bitcoin is a game for the rich. They buy Bitcoin not for appreciation, but for preservation and inheritance. I will not accept any rebuttal on this point, because I have come into contact with too many rich people who have expressed this demand to me, and there will be more and more in the future.

3. The Russian-Ukrainian war has a huge impact. The Russian-Ukrainian war may not last long. But the changes and impacts brought about by the Russian-Ukrainian war on a global scale are huge. The Russian-Ukrainian war will completely change people's concept of wealth, especially the world's top billionaires, the wealthy in China and Russia.

Apart from these people, do you think the rich people in Europe and other countries will be in a better situation? The rich people in Europe, the United States and other countries have been in tears because of the sharp drop in the stock market and the strangulation of futures indexes caused by the war. The biggest impact of a war on the world pattern is that it makes all the rich and middle-class people in the world start to re-examine their asset allocation. How can we better protect our private property from being violated?

Many people will see clearly that once a war or global sanctions occur, it will inevitably lead to an economic crisis and the money in their hands will become paper. This is obvious, so they must find a "safe haven" to store and preserve their assets.

4. Conclusion

The eternal nature of money release, the value-storing nature of Bitcoin, wars and ideological disputes will bring the world to another track. The rich and the middle class will gradually wake up and begin to re-examine their asset allocation, and how to better protect their private property from being violated. When everyone starts to think about this issue carefully, they will all look to one place, that is, Bitcoin.

Looking around the world, there is only one asset tool that ordinary people can easily participate in, carry, is unrestricted, not frozen, and can be cashed at any time! There is only one, no other branches! Therefore, the logic of the rise is very clear, just like what I have always said, every decline of BTC is a good opportunity to buy. The real wave has not come yet. The K-line that looks turbulent now will be just a small wave in 10 or 20 years. #山寨季何时到来? #美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 #Notcion $ETH $NOT