Hi guys, I am trader Zhu Yici. Some old fans left me a message asking if my bigtime long position is still there. So I thought of updating the article.

The long order of bigtime has not been moved, and the current loss is more than 3,000u. This time, I missed a lot of good opportunities because of holding this order. The performance of bigtime has been very weak in the past few days. Currently, I still have no plans to stop loss. I will consider setting a break-even point after making a profit. My liquidation price is relatively low, so I should be able to withstand it.

Let me talk about my views on the overall market. The Ethereum spot ETF will be officially launched at 9:30 tonight. The mainstream view now is that good news has turned into bad news. The market is worried about Grayscale's selling pressure. At the same time, the bad news of Mentougou's distribution of compensation Bitcoin is superimposed. Many people have chosen to short their positions to avoid risks, and some more aggressive funds have chosen to short.

However, the actual trend of Bitcoin and Ethereum did not fall much. On the contrary, Ethereum just pulled up. The so-called "if it does not fall, it will rise". In fact, the approval of Ethereum spot ETF is undoubtedly a big positive in the medium and long term, especially from the perspective of Ethereum's status and liquidity in the mainstream financial market.

As for the short-term rise and fall of Ethereum, market participants are also in a state of mutual game. The specific operation strategy still depends on the real-time data changes, especially large funds.

When we look back on many things afterwards, we find that they all make sense logically. Let me tell you one possibility. After the Ethereum spot ETF was listed, there was continuous buying and Ethereum continued to set new highs. At the Bitcoin conference, Trump promised that after his election he would promote Bitcoin to become a national strategic asset. Bitcoin set a new high again overnight, and altcoins were in chaos, officially ushering in a bull market.

The above is just a guess, but as a die-hard bull, I have firm faith in the bull market!