
《WLD Three Changes Announcement----Accurate Prediction》

On July 16, WLD issued an announcement to change the unlocking rules. Tucker predicted that the announcement would be issued again to change the rules near the unlocking date on the 24th. Tucker has seen through these tricks and warned fans.

At the beginning, WLD was originally scheduled to unlock 6.62 million WLD tokens per day starting on July 24, and the unlocking will last for 730 days.

Then on July 16, the announcement was changed. It was originally scheduled to unlock linearly every day starting on July 24, 2024, but TFH will extend the unlocking schedule of 80% of WLD held by team members and investors from 3 years to 5 years.

Finally, the announcement was changed again near the unlocking date, and the token unlocking period of 80% of TFH investors and team members was adjusted from the original two years to four years.

What is the difference between this operation and XAI? If there are more longs, release more to turn good news into bad news. If there are more shorts, release less to turn bad news into good news.

Then the price starts to fall, and after there are more shorts, it will explode. After the shorts explode, it will start to fall again. Fans and friends, there are many excellent currencies now. Please stay away from WLD for the time being. It really won’t be good.



