In the current social context, when most people have no money, the first suggestion is that we should no longer believe in anyone's display of wealth. Those who show off their wealth now often have no money. Even if you ask those bosses who claim to have billions of assets, they can't easily take out 1 million in cash.

​​It is said that the watch that Ma Mou snatched from the female Internet celebrity was found to be fake when he pawned it in Macau, and then he was arrested by the police. Therefore, we should never believe those who claim that they can still make tens of millions or hundreds of millions now. When we see such people, we will block them without hesitation. They must be lying, they must have a purpose, and they must want to cheat your money.

​For example, people like Brother Can, everyone who connects with him claims to have made 100 million or tens of millions this year. In fact, it is all for the purpose of establishing a persona and attracting investment. This is a marketing routine that I am too familiar with. Therefore, the more this situation is, the more we should be true to ourselves.

​​The second lesson is that we entrepreneurs or female Internet celebrities should stop showing off our wealth. Because showing off your wealth may bring you disaster or even life threat, whether you are a man or a woman. Moreover, showing off your wealth may bring you investigation, bankruptcy and ruin. The platform is also cracking down on showing off your wealth, and may even directly block your account. Therefore, we should not show off our wealth now to avoid causing social conflicts. I should also persuade those female Internet celebrities who show off their wealth all day to learn from Wei Xue and Aaron Kwok's wife, find an honest man to marry, and live a comfortable life.

​​The third suggestion is that we must adjust our goals, adjust our mentality, and get used to living an ordinary life. Although it is very difficult to go from luxury to frugality, especially when you are very rich and live a high-end luxury life of eating, drinking and having fun all day, no matter how difficult it is, we must lower our living standards. The exquisite and high-end life in the past is gone forever.

​​I have completely adapted to this new lifestyle. ​In the past, my annual pocket money was 20 million. Now, my monthly pocket money is only 2,000 yuan, which is for smoking, drinking tea, and buying snacks.I think this kind of day is pretty good. If you agree with my point of view, like it!