This is the four-hour level picture of the pie. A Fibonacci. From the perspective of Fibonacci, 65850 (0.5 position) to 66500 (0.618) is currently the best multi-contact point. Not only the 4-hour chart confirms this, but it also dropped to around 65700 yesterday. It will rebound directly to the recent high near 68500. The larger support below is 64800-65000.







The above is a four-hour level view


The second picture is a weekly view. The trend line shows a downward trend from the highest point of 73777 on March 11 to the recent highest of 68747. It does not break through the new high of 73777. On the contrary, it has been going downhill. If it goes down again by then, you will see the beginning of 4. It’s not impossible to have a big pie

Here is the weekly level view

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