Ethereum's ETF will start trading tomorrow. Will it fall first and then rise like Bitcoin?

Last night, there was a sharp drop and rise in the market, which also caused the market to explode by 150 million US dollars.

Both long and short positions were harvested. Fortunately, the previous one-sided trend of long and short positions did not appear this time. This time it was more balanced.

This made those who originally insisted on being bullish begin to hesitate, especially today when it rose again and fell during the day, which inevitably made everyone feel fearful.

For the subsequent market trend, it has returned to the previous tangled place of 2,800 US dollars.

The bullish view was ruthlessly slapped in the face, and the bearish view was also ruthlessly harvested, so that most people began to choose to wait for the direction to come out.

The financial market is like this. When you are full of enthusiasm, the market immediately pours a plate of cold water on you. When you are discouraged, you suddenly see hope.

This is the most real market. There is never 100%, because the market is like a rabbit. It has a living life.

You want to catch him and know his every step. That is impossible to achieve.

The only feasible way is to wait, observe, find out his life rules, and then follow the trend.

The trend of the currency circle is actually the same. If you want to capture the long and short directions at every level, it is impossible. Yes

But you can find a clear general direction, just like the bull-bear cycle, the main theme of the bull market is rising. As long as you follow this direction and hold it patiently, it is not difficult to make some money

If you want to expand your income, you need to find some coins with more potential, buy them before the trend starts, and wait patiently for the trend to come

Ignore the back and forth wash during this period, don't waver, this is investment

Just like the current market, the weekly line is so strong, there is no need to care too much, small callbacks are inevitable, but in the end it will inevitably break the previous high

How much you give up is how much you get. This is the rule. Don't think about grasping every wave of the market. That is embarrassing yourself and digging a hole for yourself.

So, the time to test human nature has come. If you defeat it, you can stand out in the currency circle, otherwise you will be a stepping stone for others.

I always believe that the big bull market is coming; although I can't tell when it will be, my experience and experience tell me that it will be at some point in 2024#以太坊ETF批准预期 #美国PCE数据将公布 $BTC $DOGE