Many people have a question, that is, this round of surge is very inexplicable😂😂

In fact, I have made such remarks before. In front of politics, all finance, including Bitcoin, is too insignificant. Why Bitcoin will surge after Trump takes office? The main reason is that Trump is a firm supporter of cryptocurrency. When he canvassed for votes, he repeatedly used the promotion of cryptocurrency development after taking office as a bargaining chip to canvass votes, so the outside world generally believes that Trump's coming to power is good for Bitcoin📈📈

Germany's sell-off caused Bitcoin to fall from 66,000 to 54,000, and Trump's coming to power caused Bitcoin to rise from 54,000 to 68,000. These are actually very big negative and positive. This is a negative and positive at the political level. For example, the famous epic plunge in the currency circle on 519 was caused by changes in China's cryptocurrency policy. Bitcoin plummeted by 50%, so in front of politics, this fluctuation is not surprising😅😅

#拜登退选 #比特币大会