Discussion of Bitcoin Strategic Reserve

Trump's attitude towards Bitcoin has been unpredictable, ranging from past opposition to recent supportive remarks, making it difficult for the market to predict. BnkToTheFuture founder Simon Dixon mentioned in a post on July 18: "Trump may announce the U.S. Bitcoin strategic reserve in Nashville." As soon as this news came out, it immediately aroused widespread attention in the market.

However, Ari Paul, chief information officer of BlockTower Capital, believes that even if Trump makes such an announcement, it will not trigger a "significant surge" in Bitcoin prices, because market participants may quickly reinterpret the news or question it. Authenticity. Wall Street is currently skeptical about whether Bitcoin will become a strategic reserve, so it will not immediately overreact to this.

Paul said in a post on July 18: "I think the probability of the United States adding Bitcoin to the strategic reserve in the next four years is 10:1." He emphasized that although Trump may talk about this topic, in fact, The likelihood of implementation is slim. Paul further explained that even if the next president announces that the government will not sell its current Bitcoin holdings, it does not mean that they are building a strategic reserve.

Source: X Ari Paul believes that the probability that the United States will include Bitcoin in its strategic reserves within the next four years is 10:1

The economic potential and policy challenges of incorporating Bitcoin into national treasury reserves

While experts and market players are optimistic about Bitcoin as a strategic reserve, Paul questions its practicality. He noted that governments typically hold strategic reserve resources for emergencies and unforeseen events, such as the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve. As a highly volatile asset that has not yet been fully accepted by the mainstream financial system, Bitcoin's reality as a strategic reserve still needs to be verified by many parties.

  • Technical level: The government needs to consider how to safely store and manage large amounts of Bitcoin assets, which requires strong technical support and a strict legal and regulatory framework to ensure the security and transparency of assets.

  • Political level: Trump has warned that adverse policies toward Bitcoin could benefit adversaries such as China and Russia, a view consistent with Bitcoin supporters who believe that the rising value of Bitcoin will cause countries to compete to accumulate this scarce resource.

  • Economic level: Incorporating Bitcoin into U.S. Treasury reserves could diversify the country’s assets and potentially combat inflation. However, implementing this policy faces many challenges, including legislative procedures, regulatory framework and coordination with other financial institutions.

Overall, while the idea of ​​Bitcoin as a strategic reserve is attractive, it is unlikely to materialize within the next four years. Experts agree that this idea needs to undergo rigorous inspection and multi-party verification before it can be truly implemented. Market participants should remain cautious and not be fooled by short-term political rhetoric, but should focus on long-term policy trends and market fundamentals.

[Disclaimer] There are risks in the market, so investment needs to be cautious. This article does not constitute investment advice and users should consider whether any opinions, views or conclusions contained in this article are appropriate for their particular circumstances. Invest accordingly and do so at your own risk.