【BTC strongly pulled up to 68000, and all the cottages basically went out of the expectation of 30%+. Where is the key point today? 】

2024.7.22 morning 9:25 BTC market analysis

The lowest price of BTC last night was 65750, and the highest price was 68459. After the pin, it hit a new high in this wave of rebound. The early morning of Sunday has always been volatile. Many people like to operate in the early morning of Sunday. This is very unwise, because the main force that has been holding back for a week will definitely increase the volatility in the early morning of Sunday to deleverage, regardless of long or short, so that they can go into battle lightly next week (short-term chips)

BTC attention

Support 66500-66800

Pressure 69000

BTC on Monday is not very attractive, because after the killing last night, the price-performance ratio is not very high after the high at this moment, so it is generally not recommended to short on Monday. Wait until the evening to see if there is a short-term opportunity in the day!

In terms of operation: Don’t be afraid of missing out on Monday and chase highs. Remember that the secondary market will never lack opportunities, but patient and excellent hunters! So stay patient, and when the next opportunity comes, you must enter the market boldly in batches. As I said before, if you want to make 10 times or 100 times, but you don’t have 1% of the courage, then the profit will definitely have nothing to do with you!

#以太坊ETF批准预期 #BTC走势预测