"Biden withdraws from the campaign, the cryptocurrency circle predicts: Will the Trump effect ignite the crypto market again?"

Breaking news shocked the political world:

Biden announced his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential election. This decision not only set off waves in politics, but also made the cryptocurrency circle begin to predict: If Trump is re-elected, will it bring a new wave of enthusiasm to the cryptocurrency market as in the past?

Trump effect: Some cryptocurrency analysts and investors believe that Trump's tolerant attitude towards cryptocurrencies may once again drive market growth.

Policy uncertainty: However, there are also voices pointing out that policy uncertainty and regulatory risks may inhibit the market's rapid response.

Market reaction: If Trump is elected, his friendly policy on cryptocurrencies may attract more investors to the market, especially those seeking asset diversification.

What do you think of the impact of Biden's withdrawal on the cryptocurrency market?

Will Trump's victory be a new catalyst for the market?

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