📢Protect Yourself from Binance P2P Scams in Pakistan

P2P trading on Binance is popular in Pakistan, but scams are on the rise. Common scams include:

1. Cancellation After Payment:

Sellers cancel orders after receiving payment.

2. Blocked Accounts:

Sellers' accounts get frozen due to suspected fraud.

3. Proof of Payment Scams:

Fake payment proofs are used to deceive sellers.

4. SMS Scams:

Fake SMS messages trick victims into sharing information.

5. Chargeback Scams:

Buyers reverse payments after receiving crypto.

6. Man-in-the-Middle Scams:

Scammers intercept and manipulate communications.

Protect Yourself:

Verify: Check the other party's history and ratings. Only communicate within Binance P2P.

Secure Payments:

Use trusted payment methods.

Double-Check Details:

Review payment information carefully.

Beware of Unrealistic Offers:

If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Use Escrow:

Binance's escrow service adds security.


Report any suspicious activity to Binance.

Stay Informed:

Keep up with the latest scams.

Trust Your Instincts: Cancel if something feels wrong.

Additional Tips:

Educate Yourself: Learn about P2P trading.

Start Small:

Gain experience with smaller trades.

Avoid Sharing Personal Info:

Don't share sensitive details outside Binance.-

Use Strong Passwords & 2FA:

secure your account.

Binance & Authorities:

Binance should take action to address these scams, including stricter verification processes and user education. Collaboration with Pakistani authorities is essential to combat fraud.Be cautious and aware when trading on Binance P2P. By following these tips, you can enjoy a safer trading experience.

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