TFL made a statement during the week;

➖He announced that the 150 million #LUNA he had would be burned and the Terra network would be left to the community.

Someone will lead the community here. It is a matter of curiosity who this leader will be. (This development is valid for the LUNA side)

➖ The rest of the TFL statement concerns #LUNC and #USTC .

▫️ According to the description; Terra Classic Shuttle Bridge will be opened for the last time and will remain open for 1 month. Investors who cannot access their LUNC and USTCs in various networks will be given the opportunity to withdraw their funds.

🔥 Funds that are not withdrawn will be burned!

▫️ Only for the actions to be taken specifically for this statement; It is expected to burn 275 billion LUNC and 178 million USTC. (You can take it as a guarantee that 90% will be burned)

⏰ The process in which this development will occur; It will start in September at the earliest.

#BinanceHODLerBANANA #BinanceTournament $LUNC $USTC $LUNA