This is how contracts hurt people. You are only losing hundreds of thousands of dollars now, not millions. You have plenty of opportunities. I wish you good luck and hope you can start over. I think you should be punished a little.

At this moment, don't treat yourself as a human being. You should treat yourself like a cow, deliver food, be a designated driver, and do express delivery. You can't spend more than 5 yuan on food. A vegetarian dish and a bowl of rice are all you have. Because this is the punishment you deserve. If you have a girlfriend, you should break up with her. Gamblers don't deserve love. If you believe in reason. How could you play with contracts? I think you are either tempted by others or you are greedy because of your eagerness for quick success.

Money goes from anxious people to calm people. Money does not come in a hurry, the ancients said it well. It shows the wisdom of the ancients. Contracts are like drugs. Although many people tell you not to play, you think, what's the big deal, it's an exaggeration. You always think you can control it, and make 500 or a few thousand a day, so you start to try your hand and recharge 1,000 yuan. Then you really made 2,000 in less than 10 minutes, with a leverage of 125 times, and you hit the jackpot. That feeling is so good, that feeling is more exciting than losing your virginity.

Your soul is struck, and in an instant, all the troubles in the world have nothing to do with you, and your world is only about money. At this moment, you feel that you own the world. You are the one and only trading god. It is too easy to make money. Just open a position at the right point, and you can get thousands of dollars in less than a minute. The 125x leverage is really cool.

You made money every time for more than ten times in a row, and your principal quickly doubled. You quickly proved with your actions that contracts cannot be played because those who do not understand say so. Only those who do not understand and do not have the technology say so. Practice makes perfect. You have defeated everything in the market. This world is magical. You obviously made money with the wrong method, but there is obviously a force encouraging you, calling you, go, do it, and then go to death. You are encouraged by this, and then you go to death more generously and calmly, without looking back.

Of course, you eventually got your account blown up. With 125 times your profit, it was a life-threatening blow. You hadn’t slept for three days and three nights. Just like that, after your account was blown up and you had lost all your money, you finally calmed down and had a comfortable sleep. This was the most comfortable sleep you had ever had since you started playing the contract game. Your eyes were bloodshot.

Of course you are unwilling to give up. You start to borrow money and use your credit card. You soon make money again, and you multiply your principal several times for a week. But late one night, while you were eating instant noodles, your account was blown up. You regretted eating that bowl of instant noodles. From then on, you swore that you would refuse instant noodles and never eat them again. You swiped Huabei and started to do it again. You made money. One afternoon, you went to the toilet. When you came back, your account was blown up again. You swore that you would never go to the toilet again. You kept holding it in, and finally it became a prostate. You simply took a bucket and put it in front of the computer where you were doing the contract, and you looked at the contract while you were going to the toilet. Because one point is about 400U for you, and going to the toilet is too expensive.

You used Huabei to start trading again. This time, you spotted the opportunity: bottom divergence, oversold zone, and strong breakthrough. You seized the opportunity and directly opened a profit of more than 125 times. However, your position was liquidated in less than a second because the United States announced an interest rate hike, and you were directly liquidated.

You hate old man Bao. All your money was won by short sellers. You lost all your money and owed hundreds of thousands of yuan. A month later, the debt collection company called all your relatives, friends and classmates in your address book. You had no choice but to cancel your number. You left your hometown, too embarrassed to see your parents, and started to work odd jobs to pay off the debt.

You naturally have no interest in studying. Every time you work, every dollar you earn, you will have a thought: Can I open a 125x leverage? It would be great if I could open a game. I will definitely make money. But you know that when opening a contract, you must not eat instant noodles or go to the toilet, and you must avoid the time when the United States announces the news.

I know that you were already a gambler at that time, and the only thing that could save you was probably your own heart that was not completely corrupt.

The article ends here. The above is a contribution from a fan. There is a good opportunity to short tonight!

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