I checked the square today. There are so many leeks these days that I can't even cut them all. Let me tell you my view on the recent market.

Two major positives next week

One is Ethereum ETF

The other is the conference

I believe many people are thinking that if there are two positives, it will reach 80,000.


Are you guys in Cambodia and you can't complete the business by phone and you are stunned?

It's already very good for Bitcoin to reach 70,000 next week, and 80,000?

Everyone knows about the two major positives next week, then everyone will be a multi-millionaire, who will be the leeks?

My view is that there will be no sharp rise in the short term. It's bullshit to say that it will break through 80,000 or 90,000. It's also impossible to fall below 50,000. It will consolidate in the range of 50,000-66,000. When it will take off depends on when the official interest rate cut will be.

The last view that Trump's election is good for Bitcoin is not valid. Don't imagine the power of the US president as "the same as our leader".

The power of the US president is very limited. For example, a US president I know doesn't even have the right to raise or lower interest rates. Tell me how this is good for Bitcoin?

And there are still a few months before the election, so the possibility of a second assassination cannot be ruled out, right?

If you are itching to make a move, you can make a layout in batches and increase your position every time it falls.

You can find strong ones in the AI ​​sector and the pledge sector to make a layout.

Sol is also recommended.