A First in Asia for Bitcoin: Launched on July 23

On July 23, 2024, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX) will offer Asia's first Bitcoin inverse product to investors. The new product will be called “CSOP Bitcoin Futures Daily (-1x) Inverse Product” (7376 HK) and will be designed to react in the opposite direction to Bitcoin's price movements. This product will invest in the nearest futures Bitcoin contracts traded directly on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME).

Aside from Bitcoin's high volatility and the opportunities it presents for investors, such inverse products are seen as an important tool for risk management and speculation in the market. CSOP Bitcoin Futures Daily (-1x) Inverse Product will work as a product that gains value when the price of Bitcoin falls and loses value when it rises. Investors can choose this product when they want to benefit from Bitcoin's decline or hedge their portfolios.

The security of the product will be provided by HSBC Institutional Investor Services (Asia) Limited. The fact that HSBC has undertaken this task guarantees the high quality of the product's financial security and management standards. While this creates additional assurance for investors, it can also create great interest in the market.

The launch of this new product could reinforce Hong Kong's goal of becoming a major hub for cryptocurrencies and digital assets in Asia. With the increasing popularity of Bitcoin worldwide, investors are turning to more sophisticated and diverse investment instruments.

This new product offered by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange can provide investors with greater flexibility and strategic opportunities in the Bitcoin market.

Experts in the market state that such inverse products can be especially attractive to those who adopt high-risk investment strategies.