Hello everyone, I’m Lisa from Coinmanlabs. Today I want to talk to you about the modular Move blockchain framework - Movement.


Project website: https://movementlabs.xyz/

Project Twitter: https://x.com/movementlabsxyz

Project Introduction: Movement is a modular framework for building and deploying Move-based infrastructure, applications, and blockchains in any distributed environment. The team is building a set of products and services that enable non-Move protocols to leverage the power of the Move programming language without writing a line of Move code. The team's first version, M1, redefines L1 as a vertically composable and horizontally scalable Layer1. The framework is compatible with Solidity, connects EVM and Move liquidity, and allows builders to customize modular and interoperable application chains with a diverse user base and out-of-the-box liquidity.

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Q· Why should we prepare in advance?

Recently, Movement officially announced that it will launch a test network. We should pay attention to the fact that the number of people who viewed this post has reached 110,000. What does this mean? It means that many people are paying attention to this project. It will be very difficult to get the test token of the test network at that time, so let's start preparing now.

Get test token

STEP.1 Notes

I took a screenshot of the front page of their document here. Why did I take this screenshot? First, let's talk about the two current Move projects - Aptos and Sui. So what does Movement mainly do? Movement is compatible with Solidity, connects EVM and Move liquidity, and allows builders to customize modular and interoperable application chains with a diverse user base and out-of-the-box liquidity.

There are three chains designed there, Aptos, Sui, and Ethereum. Now that we know what Movement does, what does it do? To put it simply, it makes these three chains universal, so that previous Ethereum ecosystem projects can be directly reused without rewriting, and at the same time, more liquidity can be introduced to Move.

STEP.2 Download three chain wallets

Aptos Wallet: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/petra-aptos-wallet/ejjladinnckdgjemekebdpeokbikhfci

Sui Wallet: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/sui-wallet/opcgpfmipidbgpenhmajoajpbobppdil

We will not go into details about Ethereum wallets here. If you find it inconvenient to manage multiple wallets, you can use OKX's wallet for unified management.

STEP.3 Add test network information

After we have added the new wallet, we will go to the official recommendation to configure the network information.

Specific relevant information is available at: https://docs.movementlabs.xyz/ecosystem/learn/wallets

STEP.4 Get the test token

After you have configured all the wallet and test network information, you can go to the faucet to get the test token. The website is: https://faucet.movementlabs.xyz/?network=devnet

STEP.5 Bind Galaxy Wallet

When you have received the test token from the wallet above, the task is almost ready. As we said above, Movement is compatible with EVM, Aptos, and Sui. When we participate in Galaxy's tasks, we can also bind the corresponding wallet. We can go to https://app.galxe.com/accountSetting/wallet to bind the wallet.