The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, part of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), has officially announced the final disclosure framework for banks’ exposure to cryptocurrencies. At the same time, the committee has also made important revisions to existing crypto asset regulatory standards, in particular tightening the regulatory treatment of stablecoins.

It is reported that these new standards are scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2026, marking an important step for regulators in terms of transparency and consistency in the digital asset field.

In an update on July 17, the committee made it clear that the purpose of these new measures is to enhance the robustness of banks when participating in the crypto asset market. Through these revisions, the committee hopes to increase market transparency and ensure that the regulatory approach matches the rapid development of the digital asset field.

At the same time, the Committee also emphasized that these updates are an important step towards strengthening the robustness of banks' participation in the crypto-asset market and helping banks better manage and disclose their risk exposure in the cryptocurrency sector.

A new era of cryptocurrency regulation

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has launched a new DIS55 disclosure framework, which marks a new stage in the regulation of banks' cryptocurrency activities. The framework requires banks to disclose their activities in the cryptocurrency field in detail through unified standardized forms and templates.

Core requirements cover:

Comprehensive information on crypto-asset activities: Banks will be required to provide detailed information including the nature of their business, capital and liquidity requirements.

Risk Assessment and Asset Classification: Banks must share their approach to assessing cryptocurrency risks and clearly classify assets.

Capital and liquidity data: Disclosure of risk exposures related to cryptocurrencies and corresponding capital and liquidity requirements, including the accounting treatment of assets and liquidity requirements.

The committee stressed that the implementation of these measures will greatly enhance market transparency and stability, thereby providing a more solid support for the entire financial system. Through a standardized disclosure process, banks will be able to more clearly demonstrate their risk exposure in the cryptocurrency field, which is an important step forward for regulators and market participants.

In addition, the DIS55 framework also requires banks to disclose how they assess and classify cryptocurrencies, as well as the accounting treatment and liquidity requirements of these assets. The transparency of this information will help market participants better understand the bank's cryptocurrency risk exposure and make more informed investment decisions.

Through these strict disclosure requirements, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision demonstrates its strong commitment to promoting financial transparency and stability, while also providing clear guidance for banks to operate soundly in the cryptocurrency sector.

Transparency and risk management

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has placed special emphasis on the regulation of stablecoins in its latest regulatory update, introducing a new definition of the "materiality" of these crypto assets and setting clear thresholds for banks to disclose their risk exposure. This move means that banks need to report their cryptocurrency holdings in more detail, including the average daily value, in order to more realistically reflect their risk profile.

Despite the feedback from the industry, the Commission still insists on requiring banks to report separately on the credit and market risks of tokenized assets. This decision reflects the regulator’s serious attitude towards the potential risks of the cryptocurrency market and its strict requirements for risk management.

In addition to strengthening disclosure requirements, the Committee has also revised the prudential standards for crypto assets, especially for stablecoins that may receive preferential regulatory treatment. The core of the revision is to raise the standards and ensure that only stablecoins that meet stricter conditions can enjoy "Category 1b" regulatory treatment. This not only helps to clarify the regulatory framework, but also promotes a unified understanding of regulatory standards in different jurisdictions.

At the technical level, the Basel Committee has also made some adjustments, such as simplifying certain detailed requirements and clarifying the specific scope of disclosure. These adjustments are aimed at making the regulatory framework clearer, easier to understand and implement.

Finally, the Committee reiterated its commitment to continuous monitoring of the crypto-asset market and stated that it would adjust the regulatory framework in a timely manner according to market developments and emerging risks. This flexibility and foresight is key to ensuring the stability of the financial system and adapting to rapidly changing markets.

Through these measures, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision demonstrates its leadership and commitment in cryptocurrency regulation, aiming to provide a more robust and transparent regulatory environment for the global financial system. #巴塞尔委员会 #BIS #稳定币监管 #风险披露框架


The latest move by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision marks a significant step forward in financial regulation in the cryptocurrency space. By introducing the DIS55 framework and strengthening regulatory standards for stablecoins, the committee not only improves market transparency but also strengthens banks’ risk management. These measures help ensure the robustness of banks when participating in the cryptocurrency market, while providing clearer information to market participants and promoting the stability of the entire financial system.

Ultimately, these reforms will push the global financial system towards a more transparent and stable direction. The leadership and determination of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has set an example for other regulators on how to find a balance between financial innovation and market stability. As the regulatory framework continues to adjust and improve, we look forward to seeing a more mature and self-disciplined cryptocurrency market that will make a positive contribution to the development of the global economy.