Sun Tzu's Art of War - Strategy!

1. Talk less, and you will have less trouble.

2. Don't get too close to anyone, it's dangerous.

3. When you are ten times stronger than your opponent, kill him directly.

4. When you are five times stronger than your opponent, fight head-on.

5. When you are twice as strong as your opponent, alienate him and then kill him one by one.

6. When you and your opponent are equally strong, try to find a way.

7. When you are weaker than your opponent, it is best to choose to escape.

8. When your opponent is stronger than you in every way, then you must not provoke him to avoid being killed instantly.

9. A lustful person can be taken down by the beauty trap.

A brave person can be taken down by the provocation.

A person with a similar reputation can be taken down by honor.

A person who lacks love can be taken down by a sense of security.

A suspicious person can be taken down by a sleight of hand.

An arrogant person can be taken down by the flattery trap.

A timid person can be taken down by threats.

A greedy person can be taken down by money.

A vain person can be defeated by satisfying his desires.

A foolish person can be defeated by making empty promises.

A wise person can be defeated by asking for advice sincerely.

No one is a saint and everyone has his shortcomings.

Find the weakness and win with one strike. #BTC