There are two types of people who trade in the cryptocurrency circle

One type is those who stay up all night to watch the market every day, but they can't make money and even lose money. They often open high-multiple leverage contracts and have to stay up all night to watch the market, which is the so-called gambler, but in fact there is no point in watching, and the position will still be blown up when it is time to blow up.

The second type is to buy the currency directly and leave it alone, or use a small leverage to play slowly, with a very good mentality, and they don't care about winning or losing, but they still make money.

This type of people often have sufficient funds, and they only treat trading in cryptocurrencies as entertainment and just play around

In fact, this can be understood. After all, whoever has a lot of money will use high leverage. After all, everyone wants to make a big profit with a small amount, but in the end it often ends with a blowup

But what I want to say is that small funds also have small funds to play, reasonable position management, strict control of stop profit and stop loss, and patiently waiting for the opportunity to enter the market

In fact, small funds can also be accumulated slowly. There is no need to open high leverage and go all-in at every turn. If this continues, no matter how much money you have, it will be useless.

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