Experts make money from data, while ordinary investors rely on K-line graphics to make decisions. This 80/20 rule forms the basic law of the market:

- **Performance of good projects**: When the market falls, only about 20% of people have enough courage and insight to enter the market, and the remaining 80% will panic and sell out.

- **Attraction of a single positive line**: When a positive line appears in the market, about 80% of people will chase high to enter the market.

#ULTI is a good example. It has been so long, and after this wave of rise, there is no signal for big investors to ship. In addition, the market has driven the rise, and it is still mainly high-level fluctuations.

The profit space from 0.019 is already very good. At present, after the high-level consolidation and accumulation, it will definitely continue to sprint upward. Once the upper support is broken, the upward space will open again, and we will make better profits!

Take the profits and use the profits to gain more space, and leave the rest to time!

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