The Reality of Trading Channels on Telegram

There are about 40,000 Telegram channels, and around 10,000 to 12,000 of them are about trading. Most of these trading channels, around 95%, are run by scammers.

Here’s how these scammers operate:

Start with No Experience:

They begin trading with no experience and make a lot of losses.

Recovering Losses:

When they lose their money, they try to recover it by opening their own trading channel to fool others.

Copy-Paste Signals:

They copy trading signals from other channels (which are also often scammers) and post around 8 to 10 signals a day.

Red Flag:

A real professional trader doesn’t post more than 2 or 3 trades at the same time. Professional traders manage their trades closely and can’t handle too many at once.

Faking Success:

Out of 10 trades, only 2 might hit the targets. They take screenshots of these successful trades and post them publicly to appear successful. They never mention the 8 trades that failed.

High Fees:

Their fees are high because they know you won't return once you see the truth, so they charge a high fee upfront.

Avoid Transparency:

They will never send you trade screenshots or let you try their VIP service even briefly before you pay. If you join, you will see they are fake.

High-risk Trades:

If a future trade has a risk more than 6-7%, it’s a sign they are inexperienced.

Tips to Spot Scammers:

- Be wary of channels that post many trades at once.

- Watch out for high fees with no trial period.

- Look out for traders who avoid showing trade screenshots.

These clues can help you identify scam trading channels. I am investigating these channels one by one to find out how they deceive innocent people. More updates will follow soon.

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