Ethereum's ETF spot is coming to an end. Sister Lu has been following it for so long. It will be open for trading on the 23rd. With the inflow of funds from ETF spot, it will also usher in a strong period. This has been said many times before, and it will be verified one by one with the recommendation over time!

Next, let's talk about a sector that Sister Lu is very optimistic about, meme;

As the current hottest sector, it is also a good choice. Every rebound is the strongest in the meme sector. It has been on the list of gains many times, and the market's expectations for the meme sector are also very high. The activity of many coins has remained high. The future development and market value continue to grow. The opportunity potential brought by the meme sector is also huge. Among them, the more popular PEPE, BOME, FLOKI, PEOPLE, etc. can be paid attention to. Later, the price position is suitable and I will share recommendations!

There is also ulti with dual attributes of AI and blockchain games. It was recommended from 0.0196u two days ago. Now it has risen by more than 40%. At present, the overall market is driving ulti upward. The small level has stabilized at 0.025u. After consolidation and accumulation, it will continue to sprint upward. Once it breaks through the 4H ema pressure, it will rush above 0.03! Looking forward to a new round of rise, and congratulations to the friends who followed this wave!