Phase 1: Riding the Rising Wave When SHIB Was Listed on Binance

On March 8, 2020, I decided to invest 300 USD to buy SHIB at 0.000000011, equivalent to 33,333,000,000 SHIB. On May 10, 2021, when SHIB was listed on Binance at a very high price of 0.00005 USD, I did not take profit in time. Finally, on May 11, 2021, I only closed 333,333,000 SHIB at a price of 0.000035 USD and still retained 33,000,000,000 SHIB. If I finished at that time, I would have had 1,166,655 USD, enough to buy a house and car with 166,655 USD, leaving 1,000,000 USD left to continue investing. I used this money to buy back SHIB for 0.000006 USD, equivalent to 166,666,666,666 SHIB.

Phase 2: Collapse and Sideways (June-October 2021)

On October 6, 2021, when SHIB price reacted with strong resistance at 0.000035 USD, I sold 66,000,000,000 SHIB, earning 2,310,000 USD. Still holding 100,000,000,000 SHIB and continuing to hold until November. When SHIB price reached a new peak at 0.000088 USD, I was lucky to sell all SHIB for 0.00008 USD, earning 8,000,000 USD.

Phase 3: Distribution and Decline Cycle (2022 - October 2023)

At this stage, I accumulated BTC, ETH, BNB, SOL, SHIB according to the DCA strategy for 100 USD every day for nearly 2 years, starting after the collapse of Luna on May 9-11, 2022. This event caused my assets to evaporate more than 2 million USD in 2 short days.

On November 8-10, 2022, the collapse of FTX floor caused me to lose control and pour another 5 million USD to remove the problem, but the more I bought DCA, the heavier my losses became. In the end, I cut my losses with a loss of nearly 4.8 million USD and cashed the entire amount to the bank.

After that, I reinvested 1 million USD in BTC, ETH, BNB, SOL, SHIB at the rate of 30% BTC, 20% ETH, 15% BNB, 15% SOL, 10% SHIB, 10% USDT to bet on the numbers. Other Alcoins. However, this amount cannot compensate for the loss of more than 6 million USD from 2020 - 2021.

Expensive lesson

From this journey, I realized that the crypto market is cyclical and one should not be too greedy. Ignorant decisions and shallow knowledge can lead to painful losses. To be successful in this market, you need to stop and appreciate what you have, without dreaming too far away.

My journey continues and I hope to return next year. My message to you is to know when to stop and know enough, continue to pursue your passion and constantly try every day to improve yourself. Sow good causes and you will receive sweet results, but don't have the illusion of becoming a perfect person to avoid disadvantages and bitterness.

This is still the buying strategy DCA still uses as well as investing in a trickle way, not massively and recklessly like before!

And do you have a personal investment plan for the coming years or are you still confused about where to invest? Please follow me and let me know what you think. can help you with useful information you really need now and in the future.

Please consider your personal financial decisions in advance because investing in cryptocurrency is always high risk, so you must be responsible for what you invest now and in the future. This is a personal sharing and not investment advice, please monitor the prices of your favorite coins and tokens below the link:

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