Synchron, a company developing a brain-computer interface (BCI) platform, has announced the successful integration of AI technology, opening up new opportunities to support paralyzed patients.

In a post on its platform on July 11, Synchron, a brain-computer interface (BCI) maker based in New York, said the company has integrated AI technology developed by OpenAI. This partnership promises to significantly enhance the capabilities of this BCI platform.

Synchron's BCI technology is designed to decode the brain's neural signals, thereby restoring the ability to move and control digital devices. This BCI system is implanted via an endovascular method, specifically the only type of BCI that exploits blood vessels to collect signals from the brain.

Specifically, the implant will be placed on the surface of the motor cortex through the jugular vein. Once implanted, the device will detect and transmit motor signals from the brain, allowing paralyzed people to use thoughts to control personal devices.

Mark, a person with ALS, uses the Stentrode BCI system. Image provided by Synchron.

The new AI-integrated chat feature allows for the generation of automated suggestions like messaging and chat, categorized by contextual input, including user emotions. Synchron also confirmed that they do not share BCI users' brain data with OpenAI.

OpenAI's multimodal GPT generates text and audio content for more natural and real-time human-AI interactions. Combined with BCI, this technology can enable more efficient messaging, faster response times, and a more natural conversation pace.

Mr. Tom Oxley, CEO and founder of Synchron, shared: “Generative AI has the ability to make predictions based on the user's context, while BCI allows them to make choices. This is a pivotal moment, when the convergence of powerful technologies can change the lives of many people.”

Synchron's unique feature lies in the endovascular implant method, which simplifies the procedure and minimizes risks compared to craniotomy. The company received a $75 million investment in a Series C funding round in 2022 from major investment funds such as Gates Frontier (owned by Bill Gates) and Bezos Expeditions (owned by Jeff Bezos).

In September 2023, Synchron completed recruitment for the COMMAND clinical trial and became the first company to receive an FDA Investigational Device Exemption for a permanently implantable BCI.

The company hopes to beat Elon Musk's Neuralink in the race to win FDA clearance and commercialize the product. Neuralink is also in human trials and recently announced plans to implant it in a second person.