The price of $PEPE is currently $0.00001172 according to $PEPE /USDT, indicating a notable 20.82% gain in just 24 hours. The short-term MA(7) at 0.00001183 is just above the MA(25) at 0.00001210, suggesting possible short-term bullish momentum.

The Moving Averages (MA) indicate a mixed sentiment. A cautious attitude is suggested by the longer-term MA(99) at 0.00001069, though. With a trading volume of 67.56 trillion $PEPE tokens, the 24-hour high was $0.00001172, and the low was $0.00000936 with a volume of 747.28 million USDT.

The current depth of the Binance market indicates resistance at $0.00001271 and support at $0.00001078. Due to the inconsistent signals from moving averages and the unpredictability of trading volumes, traders are urged to use caution when observing for confirmation over resistance levels for possible upward movement.

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