@Everyone July 16 Tuesday BTC ETH trend analysis and operation suggestions

The current price of Bitcoin is 64550 and the current price of Ethereum is 3461. Those who bought the bottom before have basically made money. I won’t tell you more. Let’s talk about the subsequent predictions and operations, and how to make steady profits in the subsequent explosive market! In terms of current operations, you can do some 5x Martin after the callback! The main focus can be on the trend and oscillation position of the weekly and daily lines! Here on the daily line, we can see that a strong positive line has come out. Here, we will make a short-term callback to induce a short trend and then continue to consolidate before making a breakthrough. The daily indicators such as macd need to rush above the 0 axis in the future, and the bullish violent market will begin! Our focus is on this week’s closing and whether the consolidation in the past two days has ended. If the accumulation is over, continue to rush! Bitcoin's short-term pressure level is 64900 65800 Support level is 63800 62900

For Ethereum, our focus is the same as Bitcoin. If you have 5x Martingale, you can also focus on the same points as Bitcoin! The detailed strategy will be sent to you later! Then Ethereum Sol has a good chance of breaking through the previous high point due to the positive news. The time point is in the next few weeks of the market. This also requires the daily level trend to consolidate after the 0 axis! Ethereum's short-term pressure level is 3525 3660 Support level is 3389 3300#BTC走勢分析 #ETH投资