When I was a kid, the school organized a movie, and everyone was excited, and I was no exception. The movie ticket was two yuan, and my dad gave me one yuan. He said you should wait until the end, saying that even if you only have one yuan, the teacher will let you watch it.

Other children took their money to sign up, and I waited until the end without moving. The teacher asked: Don’t you want to watch it? I said I don’t want to watch it. I burst into tears holding the one yuan and went home, and gave it back to my dad!

My dad scolded me, stupid or not? So many children went to the movies, there must be discounts, and the teacher will let you watch it if you pay one yuan. I said I don’t want to watch it, is it okay? My dad saw me crying, and quickly took out two yuan and stuffed it into my hand, saying, come on, tell the teacher now that you want to watch it, it must be in time. I didn’t take the two yuan after all. Once something you originally liked has been tested and hesitated, it will no longer be what you originally liked.