I personally suggest that those who want to see a big rise should not be too excited first😅

Because both Ethereum and Bitcoin have only risen back to the V-shaped gap of the downward trend📉, and they are still in the rebound form after the big drop

Really👀It has to wait until it stands on the top of the V-shaped and forms a retracement confirmation before it can see a big rise📈Not yet, so I said that I will still enter the short position near the second pressure level of 3300 to 3340, of course, it is very likely that I will be slapped in the face😅

After all, it rose so fast, I just told you that we took profit four times for this wave of short positions and went long from 3058 profit stop to 3220 profit stop yesterday

Trading is not always right, and appropriately releasing trial and error orders to set a stop loss is a serious long-term profitable trading model
