A gentleman is innocent, but he is guilty of possessing a treasure.

Attention⚠️ Attention⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

Recently, many people have been kidnapped

Avoid becoming one of them...

Safety first

Avoid showing off your wealth!

When criminals know that you have cryptocurrency, the importance of having three burrows is obvious.

It is recommended to use backup exchanges and hardware wallets when going abroad, and the money in them should be the loss you can accept - saving your life first.

If you bring your main hardware wallet (all major brands have it, take OneKey as an example).

Then I recommend this treasure function - set up a passphrase and hidden wallet, and put your biggest treasure in the deepest place.


This passphrase is equivalent to an "additional password" after a mnemonic, which can open a series of hidden wallets in addition to the series of wallet addresses created by the mnemonic.

In this way, you can store your real assets in the hidden wallet, and only leave some "bait"-level assets in the directly created wallet. This secret code can contain many things - numbers, words or even sentences.

- Of course, if you publicly show off your wealth and your currency address on the Internet, you will probably cough up all your money if someone threatens you.

So it's best not to do this, unless you really need to show off, and don't care about being targeted and have a full security team.

Basically, all kinds of prevention, protection and life-saving measures are in place. Basically, petty theft and robbery will not cause you any major losses.

But for kidnapping, the most you can do is to avoid and prevent it.

For the industrialized blackmail kidnapping by groups in Myanmar and the Philippines in Southeast Asia (the one in the first quote), we have read recent reports that Chinese citizens can be said to have a narrow escape, and often lose both their money and their lives.