Just today

Trump's attack caused his approval rating to soar:

The world's richest man, Musk, publicly expressed his full support for Trump.

Currently, the cryptocurrency market has begun to pick up all the way

From the end of June to the beginning of July, there were also many people who were trapped above 6w, and now they are given the opportunity to get out of the trap

From the current point of view, you can still use it as a reference tonight

The position of the big cake to pay attention to in the evening is 60500-61000 above

Follow 59000-59500

If it can continue to maintain the range of 59000-59500 tonight and stabilize

Then it is likely to continue to break upward on Monday

So can the shorts shared today be held?

The answer is that they can be held

Just pay attention to the two positions below. If there is no break, you can choose to leave

The market changes in thousands of ways. Investment is risky. It can be used as a reference