Why buy $RATS?

1. I looked through Binance, and there are no meme coins that I want to buy.

2. I'll name these memes on Binance.


No matter who is behind the operation, it is the Chinese community that is leading, only $RATS and $SATS.

If you add that the price of the coin is not high, Binance's increase is not high. Only $RATS and $SATS.

3. It is clear and open that this is a Chinese meme, there is nothing wrong with admitting it.

Chinese people need their own memes and need to be confident.

4. You can hate $RATS, you can choose not to buy $RATS, but you can't completely ignore it. It has a broad and relatively stable audience base.

5. After listing on Binance, it has been fully cleaned up, and all the chips that should be sold have been sold.

In a word, among the memes on Binance, there are really few memes that can arouse the desire to buy except $RATS.

I hope the dealer of RATS will not be ungrateful.

Let's charge together. China deserves a meme that can be compared with doge and Pepe.

As for whether it is $RATS?

That's up to you and me!