Although girls who buy a house before marriage and have a mortgage will have a little difficulty finding a partner.

But you still feel that girls still have to buy a house before getting married, and even if they get a loan to buy a house, they still have to get something done.

Because no matter what the Internet says now, in reality, men and women are indeed becoming more and more realistic. As they become more realistic, they pay more attention to material aspects. Girls who own a house generally look for better partners than those who don’t, and those who have a house before marriage are , the status after marriage will also be higher.

It's just that you already had a mortgage before getting married. When two people get along, you should restrain your temper. You still have to restrain your temper.

For example.

Boys get fully paid houses, while girls get loans. After marriage, the boys' money is used for living, and the girls' money is used to pay off the mortgage. It is obvious that girls are taking advantage of things like this. Girls should not be too temperamental after marriage. , he took advantage, and the fierce man was still there, it would be easy for him to overturn the boat.

In fact, most men are not so thoughtful, especially the men who are ordinary office workers. They are exhausted from work every day. They don't have that much ability to be jealous. As long as the girl doesn't have a bad personality and is usually gentle, and there is a Children, always say that your property will be given to the children in the future. Men are easy to coax.

For girls who have mortgaged housing, most of the reasons for divorce after marriage are personality issues.