BTC's lows have been rising in the past few days, and the highs are also rising, so you have to be more flexible when placing orders. The stop-profit points of short orders have been raised, and the stop-profit points of long orders have also been raised synchronously. This morning, we took profit at 58,000 for long orders, and it will be raised to 58,500 next time.

In addition, Germany's BTC has been sold out, which is also good news. These factors are also one of the reasons for the price increase. As for ETH's ETF, the good news is also ready to come out, and the price will not be so strong after a while. When the price rises during the day, arrange the short order, and take profit when it falls at night, and then open a long order. Take profit when it rises by about 50%, and do short-term intraday trading on the weekend. After all, there is still Monday's market on Monday, so don't let it get you in trouble.

Follow Brother Ming, friends who don't have any ideas for placing orders can click on the homepage to find me! ! !

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