A must-read for newbies!

1. After buying in a bear market, you need to wait patiently until the bull market is sold. Do not operate during the rise and fall. Waiting during this period requires patience. After selling in a bull market, wait patiently for the bull market to collapse and enter a bear market.

It may take one or two years. Don't be impulsive to buy at the bottom of the mountainside or foot of the mountain, and wait patiently for the moment of falling to the bottom. After selling in a bull market and making money, don't be tempted to play with altcoins. If you really want to gamble, you can only use up to 10% of your funds.

2. The principal is always the most important

If you accidentally operate randomly and get stuck, it is most important to keep the principal as much as possible. When the currency circle collapses, be willing to cut meat and stop losses in time, keep most of the principal, and keep the basic market. There is still hope for a comeback.

Wait patiently for the currency circle to fall into the abyss, and then use the remaining principal to buy at the bottom. Don't be trapped and accompany the collapse of the cryptocurrency circle. Many times, if you buy a trapped coin and sell it before the cryptocurrency circle collapses, you will lose up to 50% of your principal. If you ignore it and let it fall, you will hold on to it. When this coin falls to the bottom with the cryptocurrency circle, there is almost no possibility of regaining the remaining principal.

If you can't find the direction in the cryptocurrency circle and don't know what coin to buy, find me on Zuye Brief and share more information and strategies related to the cryptocurrency circle for free.

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